How many solder joints can your tips do?
It varies by the tip geometry, the thickness of the tip’s iron coating, the temperature settings, the solder, the flux used and the operator skills.
JBC features tips which can perform up to 100,000 solder joints.
How often and when do I need to use the tip tinner?
The tip tinner / cleaner is a chemical method to clean and retin the tip at the same time.
It should be used only when alternative methods fail (i.e. sponge, brass) and a very active cleaning method is needed.
Do I have to change cartridges anytime I want to solder at a different temperature?
No, you are free to choose any temperature with any cartridge. If desired the temperature can easily be locked at a fixed level.
How do I know what tool hooks up to what control unit?
Have a look at the product range of products. Follow the lines from the tool to the stand and the unit which runs the tools you require.
Why won’t my PA120-A tweezers work?
Be sure that the cartridges are properly aligned and tightened. There is a small flat head screw that locks in each cartridge located on the body of the tweezer. If this is not properly tightened, the station sees an open circuit, and will therefore provide no heat.
I use lead free solder and my tips get black and are hard to tin.
The combination of silver, more flux and higher temperatures makes for a “dirtier” soldering process. Silver oxide and burnt flux is deposited on the tip. Make sure to use the lowest temperature possible, wipe your tip more frequently and use JBC lead free tip tinner (ref: TT-A) when the tip doesn’t wet anymore.
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